Course Schedule

Law Enforcement In-Service Course Schedule

Course Title Start Date End Date
Instructor Development Course 1/27/25 2/7/25
Crime Scene Evidence Specialist Course 2/10/25 2/21/25
Course in Police Supervision 3/3/25 3/21/25
Railroad Investigation and Safety Course 3/24/25 3/24/25
Crisis Intervention Training 3/24/25 3/28/25
Police Field Training Officer Course 4/14/25 4/27/25
Instructor Development Course 4/21/25 5/2/25
Sniper Observer Course 4/28/25 5/9/25
Police Motorcycle Operator Refresher Course 4/28/25 4/29/25
Police Motorcycle Operator Refresher Course 4/30/25 5/1/25
Basic Interview & Interrogation for Law Enforcement Officers Course 5/5/25 5/9/25
Police Motorcycle Operator Course 5/12/25 5/23/25
Advanced Patrol Tactics Course 5/19/25 5/23/25
Patrol Rifle Operator Course 6/16/25 6/19/25
Law Enforcement Bicycle Patrol Course 6/23/25 6/27/25
Reality Based Training Instructor Course 6/23/25 6/27/25
Patrol Rifle Instructor Course 7/14/25 7/16/25

To reserve a seat in a law enforcement program in-service course, click on the link within the respective course announcement.

Please Note: Submitting a reservation form does not guarantee registration in a course.

Aircraft Rescue FireFighting Course Schedule

Please Note: The Northeast Fire Training Center (NFTC) course schedule has moved.

NFTC Course Descriptions, Pricing, and Schedule

Emergency Medical Services Course Schedules